Tip 1

Inform the viewer but don't overkill. Make it fun to watch!

An animation or video contains information but key is to explain your message in a short period of time. So avoid squeezing too much information in just 1 or 2 minutes. A long animation is just boring to watch, so that is something you want to avoid. A good solution for a longer script is to cut it in smaller segments, so you will get multiple shorter animations. Make sure you work with an animationstudio with years of experience that understands your business and knows how to find the right balance.


Too much information


On emotions and easy to understand

Tip 2

Animation or video? Choose the right style.

Would you like to explain a service or a product? Animations and videos work both for services, but for technical products we recommend an animation. Its best to explain (complex) functions and its added value for the user. Everything has to come together when you have a video or animation made, like your message, corporate identity and enough moving visual elements to make it attractive to watch. Remember: always keep the target group and your goal in mind.


A bad mix of different styles


on a style that matches your brand

Tip 3

How do I write a good voice-over script?

A good start: first explain the problem for which the viewer is looking for a solution. Then explain what kind of solution your service or product has to offer the viewer. Then show how the problem was solved. Conclude with a call-to-action so the viewer will take up contact with you right after seeing your animation or video.


Too formal text and difficult words


on a problem, current situation and solution

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